
免费地下载Android平台的CalDAVSyncAdapter,它是来自开发商gege最受欢迎的应用之一。.在Uptodown.com上找到它.,Download:CaldavSyncFreeBetaAPK(App)-CalDAVSyncAdapterAPK-✓LatestVersion:1.8.1-Updated:2023-org.gege.caldavsyncadapter-gege ...,CalDAV-SyncisaCalDAVclientforAndroidtosynchronizeeventsandtasks.Duetoitsimplementationassyncadapteritintegratesseamlesslywiththe ...,CalDAV-SyncisaCalDAVclientforAn...

CalDAV Sync Adapter针对于Android

免费地下载Android 平台的CalDAV Sync Adapter,它是来自开发商gege 最受欢迎的应用之一。. 在Uptodown.com上找到它.

Caldav Sync Free Beta APK (Android App)

Download: Caldav Sync Free Beta APK (App) - CalDAV Sync Adapter APK - ✓ Latest Version: 1.8.1 - Updated: 2023 - org.gege.caldavsyncadapter - gege ...


CalDAV-Sync is a CalDAV client for Android to synchronize events and tasks. Due to its implementation as sync adapter it integrates seamlessly with the ...


CalDAV-Sync is a CalDAV client for Android to synchronize events and tasks. Due to its implementation as sync adapter it integrates seamlessly with the ...



CalDAV-Sync APK for Android

More about CalDAV-Sync. This app is best known for the following features and qualities: google calendar, get fit, customization options & looking calendar.

CardDAV-Sync free安卓版應用APK下載

2017年5月2日 — CardDAV-Sync free 0.4.21安卓版應用最新下載。帶來CardDAV到Android自2011年.


2024年1月31日 — 下載CardDAV-Sync0.4.23付費應用價格2.09安卓版。帶來CardDAV到Android自2011年。

Open Sync APK for Android

2024年2月23日 — OpenSync: An Open Source CalDAV/CardDAV Sync App for Android. OpenSync is a free and open-source app developed by Deepen Dhulla for Android ...